
Bible Verse For Prayer Of Agreement

It is a question of being in perfect harmony with the subject of the request and the Word of God with regard to the theme of the center of gravity of the prayer request and not being in perfect harmony when it relates to other things or personal opinions, feelings and opinions. That`s what I think the author of this article meant, and it`s biblically correct. When we pray, we lose what we want or bind what we don`t want. I understand this information and more about prayer and received by God in Take The Path To Victorious Christian Living if you need to know more about this topic. It is sad that a Christian goes through life without acting according to the word. The believer, who deeply understands that God`s power sustains him, can exercise authority and confront the enemy without fear. Ephesians 6:10 says, After all, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His power. This verse says nothing about being strong in itself. It is about being strong in the Lord.

If you walk with the Lord in good, complete devotion and have established a good personal working relationship with Him, you will have great success in your prayer life with Him. . . .

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